General Information
Matters to be noted
Notice of Marriage
Procedure for Registration of Marriage at the High Commission
If Required Documents
The following original documents with one set of photocopies should be submitted. Originals will be returned after due verification.
Additional requirement for a Marriage between a Sri Lankan Passport holder and a foreign national
As per the Circular No. 18/2021 dated 18.10.2021 of the Registrar General’s Department of Sri Lanka, for marriage with a Foreign National, a permit/license for registering the marriage to be obtained from the Registrar General’s Department of Sri Lanka, in addition to the documents mentioned above.
The foreign national who is intended to marry a Sri Lankan through the local party should send the following documents in addition to the documents referred in Section (a) to the Registrar General’s Department of Sri Lanka for the issuance of a permit/license for registering the marriage.
Once the permit/license for registering the marriage is issued by the Registrar General’s Department of Sri Lanka, the applicant should email all the documents referred in Section (a) for the verification before their arrival to Singapore.
Date of Registration
Payment Details
Payment should be made ONLY in CASH at the counter